Airport Show Dubai 2024Products & Services OTS Xpert
OTS Xpert
STI Security Training International GmbH
Tailored to the steadily increasing requirements in civil aviation, OTS Xpert individually and adaptively shows objects of various hazard categories as well as nonhazardous luggage in order to familiarize screeners with both.
OTS Xpert were developed to meet the increasing requirements in the various fields of X-Ray and CT control.
The training system is ICAO-compliant and approved by the Federal Police of Germany in accordance with DVO (EU) 2015/1998 for recurrent training of screeners.
OTS Xpert were developed to meet the increasing requirements in the various fields of X-Ray and CT control.
The training system is ICAO-compliant and approved by the Federal Police of Germany in accordance with DVO (EU) 2015/1998 for recurrent training of screeners.